Safe & Efficient Oral Care
The SwishKit is the only device that safely rinses and suctions deep in the oral cavity of mechanically ventilated patients.
SwishKit Customer Needs
Quick & Easy to Use:
Rinses the oropharynx in less than 2 minutes
Patient Comfort:
Thin secretions and moisturize mouth
Reduce Risk:
Reinforces best practices for routine oral care
SwishKit Solution
Designed for the oral irrigation and subsequent suction of irrigating agent to promote oral hygiene in intubated adult patients.

Irrigation Inlet
Connects to syringe

Irrigation Holes
Direct fluid into the oral cavity

Suction Inlets
Collect fluid from oral cavity

Suction Outlet
Connects to wall suction tube

Grip Tabs
Place to hold mouthpiece

Using the SwishKit
The SwishKit offers clinicians a simple and easy solution for rinsing the oropharynx in mechanically ventilated patients.
The SwishKit simultaneously irrigates and suctions the oral cavity.
Product Specifications and
Ordering Information
Part Number:
SwishKit (Oral Care Device)
6 Devices per Box
Operators Manual:

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